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United Nations Economic and Social Council




The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is one of the principal organs of the United Nation Organisation. It is responsible for economic, social and related work of 14 specialized agencies of the United Nations. The committee functions in the Economic and Social Council Chamber located in the United Nations Building. Its members meet for a four-week period in July every year.


The Economic and Social Council has 65 members, which are elected by the United Nations General Assembly for three-year overlapping terms. Currently, the committee consists of 18 African nations, 13 Asian nations, 8 Eastern European nations, 13 Latin American and Caribbean Nations and 13 Western European, American and other nations. Together, these countries deal with international economic and social issues and formulate several policy recommendations to UN member states.


The current president of the UN Economic and Social Council is Ambassador Martin Sajdik from Austria. The president has a 1-year term and is selected from one of the small or mid-sized power countries.  



  • Addressing child exploitation in the realm of Child Rights
  • Assessing the situation of illegal immigrants and refugees


Executive Board

Co-Chairperson: Nakul Pramod


Co-Chairperson: Mrinali Komandur


Study Guide
