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The Other Economic Summit


Delegates, welcome to the framework for the future. This is the first summit of its kind that takes political affairs, economics, and ecology into account to solve problems that will plague the world in the foreseeable future. The Other Economic Summit was originally conceived as an anti-G7 summit, intended to discuss the various alternate forms of economic and political philosophy that could be applied on the international economic order. It was first held in London in 1984 and then went on to follow the G7 summits wherever they were held for the next twenty years. TOES has long held the belief that economic policy should benefit the people upon whom is it dependent. In their own words, "TOES promotes economics which incorporate the sustainable use of natural resources and the productive engagement of all people in the development of their communities and societies." As equitable and harmonious as this idea sounded, The Other Economic Summit has been defunct for about a decade now.


At SGMUN 2015, we plan to revive this summit. Now, more than ever, we are facing a stagnation in economic policy and political philosophy that has led to instability, dissent and revolution at a more prevalent rate than we would imagine from a world set on modernization. Given the failure of the MDGs of the UN in 2015, it is important to set up a framework far better than the UN ideas for sustainable development for the next 30 years. As representatives of the best ecologists, economists, political analysts, engineers and scientists from different nations across the world, it will be your job as delegates to suggest ideas to reinvent and reimagine the way we deal with the world as a whole. 


Seeing as this conference is defunct, it is up to you to build upon it as you so choose. Your secondary agenda deals with the relation between the summit and the UN. Will TOES transcend the petty political disputes that exist in the UN and act independently? Or will it prove to be a powerful committee within the UN that oversees sustainable development framework? The Executive Board has set these two agendae, such that we may best facilitate the discussion that will make an impact on this world. The world’s joint effort at sustainable development rests in your hands.





Practical Sustainable development measures for the next decade


The possibility of joining the UN as an advisory body


Download Agenda Brief here.