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South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation


"A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman." —Melinda Gates


It’s indeed sad to note that in today’s developing world, ‘development’ fails to mean development for all. Women continue to be unable to be beneficiaries of this development, and thereby, the concept of women’s rights and the notion of gender equality continues to be only on the paper they're ‘enshrined’ on. However, the principle fails to be put into practice, and a significant section of the society continue to be excluded from this ‘development’.


Agreeing with Melinda Gates, the principal aim of governments must be to give their nations’ women a voice and therefore, strength - to stand up, to speak up and to spark change. The primary hurdle in this regard is the inability to bring women to the mainstream, due to archaic notions suggesting their inability and undermining their strength.


The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, where a little over one-fifth of the world reside, and consists of one-tenth of the global economy, must be the pioneer in inclusive growth and in ending this gap, and therefore, set an example to rest of the developing world to follow; and make the world we live in a better place, for him, and for her.


“Accordingly, Member States undertake to: - Ensure gender mainstreaming in government and society;”


SAARC Summit on Women has convened to fulfil the above aim, as enshrined in the Charter; its success lays on you dear members. Let’s lead.





Economic, Social and Political Implications of Gender Conditioning and Gender Profiling


Download Agenda Brief here.